A few Saturdays ago my sister pinned a photo of a particularly cute sock monkey (found here) and gave it the caption, "Stuff my sister should make for me." Later that morning, the boy and I went to Goodwill to look for treasures and they had a sale on (new!) socks: 4 pairs for a dollar. My head said, "Cha Ching!" I bought four pairs, and considered it a dollar well spent. (I actually bought more things then just that, but I will save the other projects for later posts.)
When we got home, the boy took a nap and I whipped up this little mono.
The tutorial (found here) was fantastic, especially the tips for stuffing the tail of the monkey.
I popped her into a shoebox and she flew up to Washington for my sister. She was surprised.
Unfortunately in all my excitement, I forgot to take any pictures. Amy was very kind and took several shots. Her pictures are way better then any I would have been able to take. Photography is one of the skills where I have lots of room for improvement. I would mail her all my projects so that she could photograph them, but that could be expensive, especially if I made a 7-foot still life titled, "A study in lead."
It was an afternoon well spent.